
5 weeks


UI Designer


Sketch, Invision Studio

Micro-volunteering app.



A Micro volunteering app that is aimed to encourage 20-35 year olds to make a difference in the world in a quick and fun way


Design a visual look that gets users excited about micro-volunteering and encouraging real-world impacts through gamification. Making the product fun and easy encourages users to login each time


Recent studies show that millennials are the least likely to volunteer with only 15% volunteering once a month. There is a major disconnect and often a lack of interest when it comes to volunteering. The main challenge is to evoke positive emotions towards volunteering


Design Principles.



The product should create a sense of involvement with a valued outcome that benefits the organisation as a result the user feels they have made a positive change


In order to build solid bridges between the Volunteer and the Cause there needs to be a sense of openness, community and accessibility


In order to engage users, it’s all about creating meaningful, smart and simple content; Adding depth to the design will help immerse the user into a rich experience




I kicked off this project by doing some initial domain research on what micro volunteering is about, which helped me understand the market a little further. During this discovery phase I initiated some user testing to gather further insight on the needs and wants of the users

Once the goal was clear I began the ideation phase though mood boards and style tiles. This formed a guide to the look and feel of the product and eventually led me to the final end product which was tested on the users




The main focus was shifting the narrative of the whole concept of volunteering. We used the concept of gamification to bring to light the playfulness and enjoyment you feel when you have achieved something meaningful

The way it worked was the user would gain points though each micro volunteering task that was completed. Not only does this give a sense of achievement and motivation it’s fun and interactive

 Style Guide

Have a look at the final prototype!



